
Library of Liquidity pool (Uniswap-v3)

Built by Frank Hillard <>License MIT35 downloads


ligo install dex-v3  



Library of a liquidity pool (inspired of Uniswap-v3) implemented in Cameligo. It has been originally forked from and upgraded to fit ligo compiler v0.68.0.


This version provides some tests in cameligo and helpers which illustrate how to use the library in a ligo test environment.

TWAP has not been fully tested in Cameligo yet, but the original repository provided some haskell tests covering the TWAP.


The original documentation of the segmented-cfmm has been partially copied in this library in docs directory. One can find error code explanations and specifications of the segmented-cfmm contract.

How to use this library

This library must be specified in the dependencies of your project. this is done by installing the dex-v3 package. The package.json file must have the following dependency

{ \"dependencies\": { \"dex-v3\": \"^1.0.0\" } }

This library can be used to a liquidity pool (uniswap-v3-like) very easily

Configuration consideration

Since the library must handle multiple format (fa2, fa1.2) the transfer format is different so when creating a liquidity pool, one must specify which type of token it is dealing with. Many configurations are provided (all derived from the main.mligo). The *_ctez configurations takes protocol fees into account.


Create a basic liquidity pool contract

For example, let's create a liquidity pool contract between a FA2 (implementing a SemiFungibleToken) and a FA12 (implementing an old school FungibleToken).

  • create a final liquidity pool contract using the library. Let's create the ./test/dex/main_fa2_fa12.mligo file with following content
(* Compilation Pragmas *)
#define X_IS_FA2
#define DEBUG
(* Import of the main module *)
#include \"dex-v3/lib/cfmm/main.mligo\"
  • One can override the main function of the liquidity pool contract and add extra entrypoints for example. Let's create a default wrap of the liquidity pool contract.
    • load the liquidity pool contract
    • define the main function (here we use the one provide by the library)
    • create alias for useful types and functions of the library
#import \"./dex/main_fa2_fa12.mligo\" \"Cfmm\"

let main = Cfmm.main

type storage =
type parameter = Cfmm.parameter
type metadata_map = Cfmm.metadata_map

This basic liquidity pool (let's call it "dex" from now on) needs to be tested.

Testing - Prepare initial storage

The library provides a helper to generate default dex storage which can be imported:

    #import \"dex-v3/lib/cfmm/defaults.mligo\" \"Default\"
    #import \"<path-to-dex-main>.mligo\" \"Dex\"

The test can prepare the initial storage by using the Default.default_storage function. At origination the ratio token Y/X is one.

    let constants = { 
        fee_bps = fee_bps; 
        ctez_burn_fee_bps = proto_fee_bps;
        x_token_id = 0n;
        y_token_id = 0n;
        x_token_address = x_token_address; // (\"KT1PWx2mnDueood7fEmfbBDKx1D9BAnnXitn\" : address);
        y_token_address = y_token_address; // (\"KT1PWx2mnDueood7fEmfbBDKx1D9BAnnXitn\" : address);
        tick_spacing = tick_spacing;
\t} in
    let init_cumulatives_buffer_extra_slots = 0n in
    let metadata_map = (Big_map.empty : Dex.metadata_map) in
    let init_storage = Default.default_storage constants init_cumulatives_buffer_extra_slots metadata_map in
Testing - Originate

Origination of the dex can be done in Cameligo Test framework with the Test.originate_from_file which will provide the address of the dex. Here is a snippet of code from a test deploying a dex.

    let f = \"../../lib/cfmm/main_fa2_fa12.mligo\" in
    let v_mich = (fun ( -> x) init_storage in
    let (addr, _, _) = Test.originate_from_file f \"main\" [\"v_get_constants\"] v_mich 0tez in

Tests and espacially helpers are good examples (check this helper /test/helpers/cfmm.mligo that wraps the dex and can be easily used in tests)

Testing - Custom storage

If at the origination of the dex the initial ratio Y/X different than 1 then the storage must be customized. Here is a snippet of code that describes a full override of the storage. It defines a custom_storage function that takes extra current_tick parameter. (This "tick" corresponds to the ratio Y/X in exponential scale following the formula : Y/X = 1.0001^tick)

#import \"dex-v3/lib/cfmm/main.mligo\" \"Dex\"
#import \"dex-v3/lib/cfmm/defaults.mligo\" \"Default\"

let default_ladder : Dex.ladder = Default.default_ladder

let custom_storage
    (constants : Dex.constants)
    (init_cumulatives_buffer_extra_slots : nat)
    (metadata_map : Dex.metadata_map) 
    (current_tick : int) : =
  let minus_max_tick : int = 0n - Dex.const_max_tick in
  let minus_impossible_tick : int = 0n - Dex.impossible_tick in 
  let min_tick_state =
    { prev = { i = minus_impossible_tick }
    ; next = { i = int(Dex.const_max_tick) }
    ; liquidity_net = 0
    ; n_positions = 1n (* prevents garbage collection *)
    ; seconds_outside = 0n
    ; tick_cumulative_outside = 0
    ; fee_growth_outside = {x = { x128 = 0n } ; y = { x128 = 0n }}
    ; seconds_per_liquidity_outside = {x128 = 0n}
    ; sqrt_price = Dex.half_bps_pow (minus_max_tick, default_ladder)
    } in

  let max_tick_state =
    { prev = { i = minus_max_tick }
    ; next = { i = int(Dex.impossible_tick) }
    ; liquidity_net = 0
    ; n_positions = 1n (* prevents garbage collection *)
    ; seconds_outside = 0n
    ; tick_cumulative_outside = 0
    ; fee_growth_outside = {x = { x128 = 0n } ; y = { x128 = 0n }}
    ; seconds_per_liquidity_outside = {x128 = 0n}
    ; sqrt_price = Dex.half_bps_pow (int Dex.const_max_tick, default_ladder)
    } in

  let ticks = Big_map.literal [
      ({ i = minus_max_tick }, min_tick_state);
      ({ i = int(Dex.const_max_tick) }, max_tick_state)
  ] in

  { liquidity = 0n
  ; sqrt_price = Dex.half_bps_pow (current_tick, default_ladder)
  ; cur_tick_index = { i = current_tick }
  ; cur_tick_witness  = { i = minus_max_tick }
  ; fee_growth = { x = { x128 = 0n }; y = { x128 = 0n } }
  ; ticks = ticks
  ; positions = (Big_map.empty : Dex.position_map)
  ; cumulatives_buffer = Dex.init_cumulatives_buffer init_cumulatives_buffer_extra_slots
  ; metadata = metadata_map
  ; new_position_id = 0n
  ; operators = (Big_map.empty : Dex.operators)
  ; constants = constants
  ; ladder = default_ladder

This custom_storage function can be used to generate an initial storage:

    let constants = { 
        fee_bps = fee_bps; 
        ctez_burn_fee_bps = proto_fee_bps;
        x_token_id = 0n;
        y_token_id = 0n;
        x_token_address = x_token_address; 
        y_token_address = y_token_address;
        tick_spacing = tick_spacing;
\t} in
    let init_cumulatives_buffer_extra_slots = 0n in
    let metadata_map = (Big_map.empty : Cfmm.metadata_map) in
    let initial_storage = custom_storage constants init_cumulatives_buffer_extra_slots metadata_map initial_tick in

How to use this repository


Install the library with ligo CLI (with docker)

ligo install dex-v3

This command will add a dependency in a package.json file.

Here is an example of the resulting package.json file.

{ \"dependencies\": { \"dex-v3\": \"^1.0.0\" } }


To produce the Michelson (TZ file) from Cameligo source code

make compile


One can launch tests on a specific configuration or on a specific file CONFIG= fa2_fa12 | fa12_fa2 | fa2_fa2 | fa12_fa12 | fa2_ctez | fa12_ctez | sft_fa2 | sft_fa12 FILE= set_position_$(CONFIG) | update_position_$(CONFIG) | x_to_y_$(CONFIG) | y_to_x_$(CONFIG) | complex_position_$(CONFIG)

make test CONFIG=fa12_fa2
make test FILE=x_to_y_fa2_fa12

To all launch tests (It may take 30-45 minutes)

make test

Publishing to Ligolang

To publish this repository on

ligo login
ligo publish

The local ligo compiler must be used.

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